Comments on Happy 2022!

mewhaku's Avatar

1. I moved out of my old place! Which trust me that was an accomplishment... XD;; one of many, but I'm really happy we got it done! 2. I am hopeful to refinance some stuff that's been bringing me down lately, and to not worry so much about said finances! 3. I'd love to say that Inkcess is a super sweet soul I am always happy and thankful to talk to. You make me smile! 4. I love the chill atmosphere here, its nice to ease in and out as I have time- I hope that you all can expand this year in terms of members, and I'd second a more dino-Fainara suggestion! Maybe a return to Dino Island? 5. I am not a Fainara FTO! I'd love my tickets to go to Cup of Shroms. (3) Thank you!

2022-01-02 12:18:45

andie's Avatar
andie Staff Member

Thank you for your kind words! We will keep your feeback in mind! Your tickets were added to the raffle!

2022-01-03 05:08:19

mewhaku's Avatar

Thank you!

2022-01-03 10:54:44